
Restarting this site and blog today, halfway through January 2025.

I’m making things still.

Working on finishing a bunch of WIPs and UFOs this year.

Will be posting stuff on the ko-fi page.

Switching to a CGM (Stelo) and will be getting a new glucometer as I have lost mine yet again and have no idea where it might be this time, but the test strips are out of date anyway. ADHD makes it so I forget to do things I did diligently for over a year, and once I forget, it could be months before I remember again.

TW: mental health

Why restart the blog?

I have no interest in keeping my mistake in thinking the Bible held any answers for me and rereading it just keeps me on a very dark path.

When you are told that it has the answers for your problems and the answers, according to the Bible, are that you should either be forcibly married to the married man whom has been having adulterous thoughts about you for decades or have your family stone you to death in the street due to him having adulterous thoughts about you since you were a toddler and you cannot confirm that the man who claims you are still leading him on is no longer having adulterous thoughts of you, and as you are the subject of those thoughts and therefore committing adultery as there is no difference in who is at fault for adultery when physical vs in thought in the bible, you have no way of repenting for the sin, or being certain that it isn’t still ongoing, and therefore even asking forgiveness an affront to the concept of prayers.

Even looking at the Bible objectively had me going more on the actively suicidal side of my mental health teeter-totter.

Basically, if you tell me that the Bible has the answers, be prepared to not like the very clear-cut answers that I’ve found there.


Joining the CGM Movement